Friday, 3 April 2009

These are a few of my favourite things!

You know how you spend money on buying lovely plush toys for your dogs to enjoy and then they show more interest in the packaging of what you've been sent that day. Well today was Oscar's lucky day as I've got some frosted window film (to help him realise it's not necessary for him to bark at everything he sees out of the patio doors!!) and so he got the packaging it came in!

"Right I better try and balance it while I work out how to get it up on the sofa"

This is how people first worked out you could play the didgeridoo!!

"Oh I just LOOOOOOOOVE cardboard"

"Anything outside more interesting...?"

"I thought not!"

"The lazy boy's way of dealing with the item you want falling on the floor!"

"This is a tricky manoeuvre!"

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