Oscar just loves to help his Mum...even when I don't want any help! I've decided it's both easier and more fun to let him help and try to guide this "help" into ways which are useful!
Take a boring task like emptying a bin and add a Newfie 7 month old pup and it becomes more interesting...
"Okay so I only get to carry this small bit and you get a WHOLE bin? Hmmm...not sure about this"
"I'll just keep an eye on yours...check it doesn't go anywhere..."
"Can I help yet? Pleeeeeeeeease!"
"Bins.....YUM...smells gooooood!"
"Well I could help distribute this rubbish to all the neighbours ... but I guess I'll let you put it in the big bin...as long as I get the small bin when you're done!"
"Yipppeeeeeeee...it's time to help...where to take the bin first...what sorry Mum ...back into the garden...okay then..."
"You coming then??"
"I'm coming in...this bin is heavier than it looks!"
"Sorry...can I help you? The kitchen? Why do you want it in there?? ... Oh okay if you insist..."
"Well if you would put these gates in the way it'll take me longer...better stop for a quick chew.."
"Okay okay I'm here at the kitchen doorway...now what?"
"How about I chew it for you?"
"Oh okay if there are TREATS on offer ...you can keep the bin!"
Oscar is such a bright boy... and so handsome to boot. Bless! :)